Stephen Ray Mitchell, M.D., MBA, MACP, FAAP, FRCP
Dean for Medical Education, Georgetown University School of Medicine (2000-2020)
Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics and the Joseph Butenas
Professor, Georgetown University School of Medicine
Dr. Mitchell was a Dreyfus National Merit Scholar at the University of North Carolina and completed his medical education at North Carolina Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill. He is the fourth-longest sitting member of the National Council of Deans and has led more than 20 accreditation visits to schools of medicine. For six years, he has served as a member of the Liaison Committee for Medical Education, the national accrediting body for medical schools. Dr. Mitchell has received every residency teaching award, including six “Golden Apples,” and was inducted into the “Golden Orchard.” He is a Master of the American College of Physicians and, in 2019, became one of 15 U.S. faculty inducted into the Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians London.